Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Prompt #1: Invocation

If you were told you had only one month to live, how would you change the way you live for that last month?


  1. I would spend more time with my family and close friends. I would slow down and take time to enjoy life instead of always going 100 mph everywhere.

  2. I would try to make up with all my failed relationships with people. Then try to live life to the fullest. I would try to stop worrying about all of life's problems and enjoy it with all the people I love the most.

  3. Assuming my family would be set for a good while with my life insurance policy, I would pool together all of the money I had and take my family on a month-long vacation to Europe and Australia. I would amass a huge cell phone bill making sure I talked to everyone I knew one last time and spend the rest of the time enjoying my wife and daughter.

  4. wade
    Family. My bunch has all left the fort, as they've migrated to the Great NW. I'd pack my wife, our pets, my guitar, a pen & paper and we'd have a huge BBQ.
    I'd write more songs. I'd call more friends. I'd cook more meals.

  5. To be honest the first thing that would come to mind is my children. I would think about missing them grow up and not being there for them. As far as how would I change, I would be more envolved with reaching hurting and lost people trying to make sense of there life including family and strangers.

  6. I think I would make sure that my relationships were solid. Then I would try to sell all of my belongings and go to a place that i have always wanted to visit. This might be Brazil, or India. I would say my goodbyes and then go on one last adventure.

  7. I would spend more time with my family and enrich my knowledge of the Bible. I say everyday that I with I knew more about each book and the life of the Lord. I would also try to teach my children as much as possible in such a short amount of time about the Lord and the right path to live.

